As you continue to compete in powerlifting, whether you are preparing for your first meet or a World championships, politics are there. This could be the trivial and insistent sumo is cheating or arching hurts your back, or what IG hype boi said to another IG hype boi, or the heavier, more divisible, topics like PEDs and rule changes. It is here to stay, but how it effects you is the highlight here.
Look at this photo, this guy is stoked. I am stoked he is stoked. He likely hit that PR or moved up the podium spot he had his mind on that whole training cycle. In that moment, all the non-sense that accompanies any sport is gone. He doesn't care about that social media comment or what someone said in the gym. He is in that moment.
This moment is always fleeting. It may last a few seconds and only occur once or twice a year, but that moment is peace. In this sport of internet trolls and chasing re-shares and likes, think about that moment. Focus on that moment.
If I could give young lifters advice when you start - one foot forward, head down. You don't need to worry about every piece of gossip, every inside deal, everybody else's ranking, what Fed did what, who squats high or doesn't pause their benches - whatever.
Focus on your next session, your next meet. There are times to spend on the peripheral, but most of the time that will only bring you stress and nonsense.