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  • Writer's pictureShane Martin

How to Challenge the Jury at a Powerlifting Meet



You or your athlete gets 🔴🔴⚪ call and you want justice!! What do you do???


First, to challenge a referee call, you need one out of the three referees to give you a ⚪ to be able to challenge. Other times are blatant mistakes like early spots, super long pauses, equipment failure, which are rare cases.


Then, you need to go to the jury with a plan.

To be successful, you need to:

🥇 Articulate the exact rule violation and why it should be over turned. For example, your athlete locked the deadlift out, but the bar shifted downwards as the bar settled at lockout. This can be interpreted as downward and be a blue card, but in the rules, it allows the bar to settle as the shoulders settle without cause for disqualification.


"I am challenging this call because (insert card color and failure) and would like to see the ruling overturned because (insert your interpretation backed with rulebook justification)."

🥈Be respectful, diligent, and don't give up too easily. Sometimes, you need to speak your case a few times for it to sink in. But always, no matter how frustrated you are or if the jury is being rude to you, keep your cool. Once you get angry or speak disrespectfully, you lower your chances. The jury is human and no one likes to be yelled at or talked down to.

🥉 Don't be a afraid to do it! The worst that can happen is the jury says no. But, not attempting is worse if there was a chance of it overturning. That attempt could be the difference between a podium spot or a PR. It is always worth it to exercise your right to challenge.

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